At SAPAC we are committed to the following goals and principles:
- Educate the University of Michigan community about sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, and stalking in order to raise awareness and promote a nonviolent campus community from a primary prevention approach.
- Through collaboration and partnerships, strengthen and provide services for survivors and their friends and family.
- To support the rights of survivors of sexual violence through coordination and promotion of effective administrative, legal, and medical responses, including the University's policies and procedures that address these issues.
- Ensure the inclusion of a wide diversity of people as staff, volunteers and constituents; and be culturally accessible to all groups in our work.
- Collaborate with campus organizations and community agencies to develop, communicate, and implement strategies to prevent and eradicate sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, and stalking and all forms of oppression in the University of Michigan community.
- To promote data collection and research efforts in order to best target policy and service initiatives and actively participate in the broader academic venue.
SAPAC's Values
SAPAC works towards a campus free of violence. We promote equality and respect for all members of our community through our commitment to primary prevention.
Survivor Empowerment
SAPAC recognizes that survivors are experts in their own lives. We strive to create a supportive and safe environment, empowering survivors with the knowledge to make their own decisions.
Social Justice
SAPAC encourages our campus community to challenge all forms of oppression, celebrate diversity, and promote cultural humility while increasing awareness of the intersectionality of discrimination.
SAPAC fosters student growth and leadership through collaboration and partnerships, engaging students in every level of our work.
SAPAC provides quality comprehensive education and services through evidence-based best practices, continually assessing and evaluating the needs of survivors and the campus community.