Survivor Empowerment & Ally Support (SEAS) Volunteer Program

SEAS volunteers gather together at rEVOLUTION event

What is SEAS? 

The Survivor Empowerment and Ally Support Program is SAPAC’s tertiary prevention education volunteer program. 


What is Tertiary Prevention? 

Tertiary prevention is all about creating healing, supportive and empowering spaces for survivors of sexualized violence. Our goal is to not only empower survivors in their healing process but to educate others on how to be allies to survivors of sexualized violence. Tertiary prevention recognizes that healing is not linear and works to promote self care and healing as well as create trauma informed spaces.


What are SEAS’s main events/workshops offered? 

Throughout a program/academic year SEAS offers Self Care and Responding to Disclosures workshops for students across campus as well as hosting various events including but not limited to: 

  • Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month 
  • Annual Survivor Speakout 
  • Annual rEVOLUTION Art Show: Making Art for a Change 
  • Annual Speaker event 


Who leads SEAS? 

Staff Advisor: Kelsey Cavanagh-Strong 

Student Co-Coordinators: Carly Kubiak & Josie Beckelic